アイテムはテキストを左寄せにし、テキストがアイテムより幅が広い場合は省略記号を追加しています。この動作は、Ionic Framework が提供する CSS Utilities を使って変更することができます。例えば、以下の例では .ion-text-wrap
を使っています。テキストを変換するためにアイテムに追加できる他のクラスについては、CSS Utilities Documentation を参照してください。
か button
プロパティが設定されている場合、itemは "clickable(クリック可能)" と見なされます。clickableなitemsには、インタラクティブに操作できることを示す視覚的な違いがいくつかあります。たとえば、clickableなitemは、md
modeでの detail arrow が表示されます。
Detail Arrows
デフォルトでは、clickableなitems は、ios
modeで右矢印アイコンを表示します。clickableな要素の右矢印アイコンを非表示にするには、 detail
プロパティを false
プロパティを true
Item Lines
アイテムはデフォルトで下部のボーダーを挿入して表示します。ボーダーは左側にパディングを持ち、 "start"
スロットにスロットされたコンテンツの下に表示されることはありません。 lines
プロパティを "full"
または "none"
Media Items
Avatars and Thumbnails can be slotted inside of an item. This is useful when making lists of images and text.
Buttons in Items
Icons in Items
Item Inputs
CSS Shadow Parts
input を含むアイテムは、フォーカスされたとき、有効なとき、無効なときに、Inputの下のボーダーを異なる色でハイライトします。デフォルトでは、md
アイテムは高さが 2px
はハイライトを持ちません(技術的に高さは 0
に設定されています)。高さは --highlight-height
CSS プロパティを使って変更することができます。ハイライトをオフにするには、この変数を 0
ハイライトの色はアイテムの状態に応じて変化しますが、デフォルトではすべての状態でIonicカラーが使用されます。フォーカスされている場合、Inputのハイライトは primary
カラーを使用します。Inputが有効な場合は success
カラーが使用され、無効なInputは danger
Description | If true , a button tag will be rendered and the item will be tappable. |
Attribute | button |
Type | boolean |
Default | false |
Description | The color to use from your application's color palette. Default options are: "primary" , "secondary" , "tertiary" , "success" , "warning" , "danger" , "light" , "medium" , and "dark" . For more information on colors, see theming. |
Attribute | color |
Type | "danger" | "dark" | "light" | "medium" | "primary" | "secondary" | "success" | "tertiary" | "warning" | string & Record<never, never> | undefined |
Default | undefined |
counter (deprecated)
Description | If true , a character counter will display the ratio of characters used and the total character limit. Only applies when the maxlength property is set on the inner ion-input or ion-textarea . Deprecated Use the counter property on ion-input or ion-textarea instead. |
Attribute | counter |
Type | boolean |
Default | false |
counterFormatter (deprecated)
Description | A callback used to format the counter text. By default the counter text is set to "itemLength / maxLength". Deprecated Use the counterFormatter property on ion-input or ion-textarea instead. |
Attribute | undefined |
Type | ((inputLength: number, maxLength: number) => string) | undefined |
Default | undefined |
Description | If true , a detail arrow will appear on the item. Defaults to false unless the mode is ios and an href or button property is present. |
Attribute | detail |
Type | boolean | undefined |
Default | undefined |
Description | The icon to use when detail is set to true . |
Attribute | detail-icon |
Type | string |
Default | chevronForward |
Description | If true , the user cannot interact with the item. |
Attribute | disabled |
Type | boolean |
Default | false |
Description | This attribute instructs browsers to download a URL instead of navigating to it, so the user will be prompted to save it as a local file. If the attribute has a value, it is used as the pre-filled file name in the Save prompt (the user can still change the file name if they want). |
Attribute | download |
Type | string | undefined |
Default | undefined |
Description | The fill for the item. If "solid" the item will have a background. If "outline" the item will be transparent with a border. Only available in md mode. |
Attribute | fill |
Type | "outline" | "solid" | undefined |
Default | undefined |
Description | Contains a URL or a URL fragment that the hyperlink points to. If this property is set, an anchor tag will be rendered. |
Attribute | href |
Type | string | undefined |
Default | undefined |
Description | How the bottom border should be displayed on the item. |
Attribute | lines |
Type | "full" | "inset" | "none" | undefined |
Default | undefined |
Description | The mode determines which platform styles to use. |
Attribute | mode |
Type | "ios" | "md" |
Default | undefined |
Description | Specifies the relationship of the target object to the link object. The value is a space-separated list of link types. |
Attribute | rel |
Type | string | undefined |
Default | undefined |
Description | When using a router, it specifies the transition animation when navigating to another page using href . |
Attribute | undefined |
Type | ((baseEl: any, opts?: any) => Animation) | undefined |
Default | undefined |
Description | When using a router, it specifies the transition direction when navigating to another page using href . |
Attribute | router-direction |
Type | "back" | "forward" | "root" |
Default | 'forward' |
Description | The shape of the item. If "round" it will have increased border radius. |
Attribute | shape |
Type | "round" | undefined |
Default | undefined |
Description | Specifies where to display the linked URL. Only applies when an href is provided. Special keywords: "_blank" , "_self" , "_parent" , "_top" . |
Attribute | target |
Type | string | undefined |
Default | undefined |
Description | The type of the button. Only used when an onclick or button property is present. |
Attribute | type |
Type | "button" | "reset" | "submit" |
Default | 'button' |
No events available for this component.
No public methods available for this component.
CSS Shadow Parts
Name | Description |
detail-icon | The chevron icon for the item. Only applies when detail="true" . |
native | The native HTML button, anchor or div element that wraps all child elements. |
Name | Description |
--background | Background of the item |
--background-activated | Background of the item when pressed. Note: setting this will interfere with the Material Design ripple. |
--background-activated-opacity | Opacity of the item background when pressed |
--background-focused | Background of the item when focused with the tab key |
--background-focused-opacity | Opacity of the item background when focused with the tab key |
--background-hover | Background of the item on hover |
--background-hover-opacity | Opacity of the background of the item on hover |
--border-color | Color of the item border |
--border-radius | Radius of the item border |
--border-style | Style of the item border |
--border-width | Width of the item border |
--color | Color of the item |
--color-activated | Color of the item when pressed |
--color-focused | Color of the item when focused with the tab key |
--color-hover | Color of the item on hover |
--detail-icon-color | Color of the item detail icon |
--detail-icon-font-size | Font size of the item detail icon |
--detail-icon-opacity | Opacity of the item detail icon |
--highlight-color-focused | The color of the highlight on the item when focused |
--highlight-color-invalid | The color of the highlight on the item when invalid |
--highlight-color-valid | The color of the highlight on the item when valid |
--highlight-height | The height of the highlight on the item |
--inner-border-width | Width of the item inner border |
--inner-box-shadow | Box shadow of the item inner |
--inner-padding-bottom | Bottom padding of the item inner |
--inner-padding-end | Right padding if direction is left-to-right, and left padding if direction is right-to-left of the item inner |
--inner-padding-start | Left padding if direction is left-to-right, and right padding if direction is right-to-left of the item inner |
--inner-padding-top | Top padding of the item inner |
--min-height | Minimum height of the item |
--padding-bottom | Bottom padding of the item |
--padding-end | Right padding if direction is left-to-right, and left padding if direction is right-to-left of the item |
--padding-start | Left padding if direction is left-to-right, and right padding if direction is right-to-left of the item |
--padding-top | Top padding of the item |
--ripple-color | Color of the item ripple effect |
--transition | Transition of the item |
Name | Description |
`` | Content is placed between the named slots if provided without a slot. |
end | Content is placed to the right of the item text in LTR, and to the left in RTL. |
error | Content is placed under the item and displayed when an error is detected. DEPRECATED Use the "errorText" property on ion-input or ion-textarea instead. |
helper | Content is placed under the item and displayed when no error is detected. DEPRECATED Use the "helperText" property on ion-input or ion-textarea instead. |
start | Content is placed to the left of the item text in LTR, and to the right in RTL. |